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martinbritt_63 12:56 Mon Jun 6
Len Goodman
So - many years ago his gran said something now considered to be offensive by the thought police !

What is going on ? - I'm glad that I'm now approaching the end of my like if this shit is going to continue.

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MaryMillingtonsGhost 4:37 Thu Jun 9
Re: Len Goodman
WHU(Exeter) 8:08

They did.
Also seem to recall raisins in the rice for the curry?!?

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 4:24 Thu Jun 9
Re: Len Goodman
Nan - Here's half a crown, go down to Martin the Jewboy and get your haircut.

She meant no harm - thirty years earlier she'd been down on Cable Street lobbing stones at Mosley.

Times change, language changes. Definitions of racism change. People shouldn't use words spoken 60 years ago as proof of racism.

ludo21 4:16 Thu Jun 9
Re: Len Goodman
... you've never lived Big Cheese

legrandefromage 4:06 Thu Jun 9
Re: Len Goodman
I'd never heard of Len Goodman before

BRANDED 4:06 Thu Jun 9
Re: Len Goodman
My mum thought there were many niggers in the woodpile. Her words exactly. She meant no harm.

chim chim cha boo 3:58 Thu Jun 9
Re: Len Goodman
probably make for a half decent thread on here before it got pulled and some posters banned but what did your parents and grandparents say that wouldn't fly now in '22?

Even as late as 2012 my old man (king of phrases that were so outrageous that your toes would curl up) was still on the go. He died in 2015 but I'll give you spa...er shovel and you can dig him up and set fire to him.

When the London Paralympics were on I asked him if he was watching them to which he said 'nah, can't watch that, it makes me feel sick'!

When I came home covered in dirt from playing football or cricket with my little pals she'd always shout 'look at the state of you, you dirty Arab, get in the bath'.

Outrageous but nothing I could ever say would have made a difference. It didn't stop mum putting food on their plates when I bought them home at dinner time though whatever colour or creed they were.

Mr. Burns 9:41 Tue Jun 7
Re: Len Goodman
My grandad used to call Chan’s in East Ham Hong Kong Charlie’s. I guess that would be frowned upon now.

WHU(Exeter) 8:08 Tue Jun 7
Re: Len Goodman
Didn't Vesta also do chow mein as well as the beef curry? I remember that, but not 100 % sure I had it a couple times.

Used to love the Vesta curry and my Nan who used to own a fish and chip shop with my Grandad used to put a few chips round the plate as well as the rice. Proper fish and chip style chips in beef fat, black fleks around to them.

It was my favourite meal of the week for a couple years or more.

Had one for old times sake a couple years back, and thought about how easily impressed we all were back then.


the coming of gary 6:35 Tue Jun 7
Re: Len Goodman
... i refused my alphabetti spaghetti when the the 'R' letters were backwards on the plate

Russian foreign muck

rubble 6:07 Tue Jun 7
Re: Len Goodman
Mid-70s, I called for a mate one evening to go for a kickabout to find he was still having dinner. I got invited in to join them, but mum had drilled it into us that you don't impose when someone's eating, so he was going to call for me when he'd finished.
As I walked back through the door my old girl asked what was up and was pleased I'd remembered my manners. My mates parents were a bit hippyish. "Mum" I said, "they were having curry". "Oh, those English. They'll eat anything!" she replied.

Stevethehammer 11:21 Tue Jun 7
Re: Len Goodman
The BBC are a funny bunch. Apologise for remarks made by Ken Goodman and if anyone was offended but allowed Jimmy Saville a free pass to be a nonce and haven't apologised for that. Double standards, and to think you actually have to pay for that.

Willtell 11:14 Tue Jun 7
Re: Len Goodman
Far Cough 4:18 Mon Jun 6
Re: Len Goodman
Back in the 60s Panorama did a spoof report that spaghetti grew on trees, a lot of people believed it, it was that exotic

True that. But don't you suspect that it would fool more people today?

wanstead_hammer 11:13 Tue Jun 7
Re: Len Goodman
Hahaha. Some of the stories hilarious and ring true.
I remember me old relations (nans, grandads, aunts etc) and the ‘foreign muck’ lark.
We lived on mincemeat as kids!.
Yet me old man seemed to buck the trend, cos he used to go Chinatown (east and the west, Limehouse) in the 60s and Indian when they first turned up (Rockys in Stepney). We grew up round there and thought a Vesta Curry was the bollocks and soon moved on to local dishes chinky, ruby, kebab etc. And yeh, even in 70s/80s it all still seemed a bit exotic to us.
Times change and move on.
I’m sure he’ll ignore the soppy cunts trying to blacklist him. (pardon the pun).

Eerie Descent 12:24 Tue Jun 7
Re: Len Goodman
Capitol They 9:06 Mon Jun 6

Firstly, it's not just an attention seeking group on twitter is it, it's the entire press, and the BBC have felt the need to apologise for it.

Secondly, if it really is a load of old nothing, why are you on here discussing/protesting it with us gammon?

You pink haired cunt.

Feed Me Chicken 11:17 Mon Jun 6
Re: Len Goodman
Absolutely nothing wrong with what he said, doubt anyone was offended but because king woke bbc apologised the MSM picked up on it and made a story about it!

wansteadman 9:33 Mon Jun 6
Re: Len Goodman
It’s ok the BBC have apologised

Dr Matt 9:27 Mon Jun 6
Re: Len Goodman
Haha this is mad.

I can’t imagine thinking of spaghetti as exotic.

I grew up on Alphabetti Spaghetti! :-)

Takashi Miike 9:23 Mon Jun 6
Re: Len Goodman
this left wing shitbag and cunts like him are why nonsense like this is a thing. instead of being apologetic, he doubles down on the lunacy 😂

Capitol Man 9:06 Mon Jun 6
Re: Len Goodman
Eerie Descent 4:13 Mon Jun 6
Re: Len Goodman

No Wankstain - there's a group of attention seekers on Twitter looking to jump on literally anything in the hope that they get a lot of views and there's the hysterical freaks like you ready to wet their knickers in response and get all pink in the face, Gammon-style getting all hysterical about political correctness gone mad.

Both sets of you are cunts.

boleyn8420 5:50 Mon Jun 6
Re: Len Goodman
So we are now meant to edit stories from our youth and retold/rehashed over the years by mum and dads/granddads/grandmas etc just because the language used all that time ago may offend. I bet there isnt any 'foreigner' who is offended just a load of cunts who always want to be offended on their behalf.

Far Cough 4:18 Mon Jun 6
Re: Len Goodman
Back in the 60s Panorama did a spoof report that spaghetti grew on trees, a lot of people believed it, it was that exotic

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